Tip#1 PrePro

My first tip out there in the real world to young artists is PREPRO!!! What I mean by that is, the more time you spend tweaking your songs in pre production and making sure the arrangement is solid the more MONEY you save when you are actually tracking the songs in a bigger studio or with an engineer or producer. It's amazing how fast you can track material if you are confident in what you are doing. Especially with bands. I recommend numerous rehearsals before the recording session. One of the services I provide is to be a part of those rehearsal sessions to lend an ear and to suggest some things to improve the arrangement and tighten it up! That way when you walk into the studio you feel confident in what you are doing. Even if you are recording in your own project studio it really helps to work through an arrangement BEFORE you record. Seems obvious but 1 or 2 rehearsals isn't enough. I once had a band rehears for 2 weeks before we cut the bed tracks (drums, bass guitar, keys) We cut 20 songs in TWO DAYS.. The results where really good and we were able to spend more time on being creative with overdubs because the bed tracks where SOLID. PREPRO!!!

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